Friday, October 19, 2007

Birthday Party at Langkawi Restaurant, San Mateo

Having a really busy week... So I'm just gonna leave the photos here first and perhaps come back to write some more about it over the weekend...

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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Evolving Company Culture....

"Company Culture"
Definition: Company Culture is the term given to the shared values and practices of the employees. Note that the actual culture may not match the published culture.
Examples: Many start up companies have a company culture that promotes working very long hours and then crashing under your desk.

Well at where I work at, I've kinda created a new company culture by the simple introduction of a new item that we got for a cheap price when a company that a classmate works at closed down. This item, though simple, and not all that interesting, has began to create a culture where the employees (though not many) at my company can come together after lunch, during breaks, etc. to have a platform to discuss issues or simply just talk while engaging in cohesion activities.

This miraculous item is none other than..... *drum roll*.....

Yes, the Foosballl table. It is amazing how something as simple as a Foosball table put right at the centre of the office has started to have the company talking more to each other and having a place to relax....
*entry uncompleted... gonna finish this after a mentorship session*

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